Welcome to South Australian Athletic League!
The SA Athletic League's Mission Statement is to promote athletics as an enjoyable, healthy sport for people of all categories and abilities, to provide an opportunity for staff and volunteers to have a sense of purpose and satisfaction, and for sponsors to be attracted to support a sport which is known for its integrity, passion, and sportsmanship.
We host around 15 athletic carnivals from October through to Easter with the highlight being the iconic Bay Sheffield Carnival held annually since 1887.
This website accompanies our Team App smartphone app available from the App Store or Google Play. Download Team App now and search for South Australian Athletic League to enjoy our team app on the go.
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Wed, 26 Jan 2022
from 11:30am to 4:30pm
by jen poole
Posted: over 3 years ago
Updated: about 3 years ago
Visible to:
Time zone: Adelaide
Reminder: None
(duration is about 5 hours)
2/410 Highet Ave, Hove SA 5048, Australia